17 July, 2024

Regional Centre


General Activities performed at Regional Centre, Khanna:

  • Information Brochure
  • Information Pamphlet
  • Pre-admission counseling to the aspired learners
  • Admission Activities
  • Learner support services
  • Despatch of Study Material
  • Despatch of I-cards
  • Conduct of Coordinators’ Meetings
  • Conduct of Orientation Progarmmes for Academic Counsellors
  • Rigorous publicity and promotional activities
  • Establishment of learner support Centres as per need and demand
  • Conduct of Viva-voce for BCA/MCA/M.Ed./MA (Education)
  • Conduct of Term End Examinations/Practical Examinations
  • Organizing Convocation function at the State level
  • Organizing Extended Contact Programme for PGDHE/PGDSLM
  • Collection of assignment awards from LSCs and transmision to IGNOU HQs
  • Conduct of Seminars/Awareness Programmes
  • Renewal of Coordinators/part-time staff
  • Identification of Academic Counselors & Project Evaluators
  • Coordination between IGNOU headquarters and Study Centres